
icon-time 04 四月 2017
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After a short period of time to contact others to the conclusion

"Preconceived" "one will win"

This is the human nature

Although it is not done enough homework is not very good to judge others is not good, but this is indeed a real phenomenon. Recently there is a book more fire, is Heather Salter wrote "Interview Secrets". The book cited a real investigation, the survey concluded: want to recruit a good first impression, job seekers only 20 seconds.


What is the first impression of the recruiter?

Job seekers' external image.

In April 2014, the agency made such a survey: they interviewed a lot of recruiting staff who specialize in recruiting graduates. When these people are asked, "Do you think you judge a job seeker, what is the most important factor?" This question, Top4 is this:

Punctuality - 96%

How much preparation for job seekers - 93%

Ability to maintain eye contact - 82%

Personal external image - 73%

640?tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1- how can we correctly shape the external image of the individual? -

Do research to do research: most of the company's Web site will have the current staff photos and video. To see what they are wearing What are the employees of your favorite company when you go to the job fair? According to the gourd painting scoop is the safest, because those employees who write is the company's dress code.


- dress too formal too! -

For safety, or wear a suit! Do not be afraid to wear their own too formal and look silly, although some companies may dress requirements will be arbitrary, do not ask people to wear formal dress to work, such as construction companies or some creative industries. However, most of the graduates work is required to wear a suit. Remember, this is an interview to find a job, so would rather be too formal, not excessive. Your attitude to the interview and the degree of care will be taken into account by the recruiters.

Not familiar with the British dress requirements how to do? -

The British workplace may be a relatively unfamiliar environment for international life. It does not matter, take a look at our boys and girls, respectively, the recommendations of it!

Boys version of the dress code:

1. a handsome dark suit - in the suit color choice, the navy color or gray is definitely the boy's priority option, because the black looks really heavy like a funeral, which is why some people wear a suit It seems old and dull reasons. Remember to choose a classic shirt with two or three buckle.

2. A simple long-sleeved shirt - the color of the shirt is also as simple as possible, the safest of course, is light blue or white friends, these two colors with the description of the suit is also equipped with it.


3. A simple tie - the pattern can be attractive, but the grasp of good Oh

4. A pair of simple black shoes - do remember to play shoes before the interview.

5. neat short hair - to avoid with a goat Hu, his face of the spaghetti, or any unclean beard. How to repair the beard is a risk, so short hair and no beard is the best.

Girl Dress Up Suggestions:

Girls must be in the election when the pain was not, because usually with clothes have enough trouble, not to mention this important occasion of the interview ... ... because the options too much! For girls to choose the mix is about three days and three nights also endless. But despite the tricky, but there are some generally applicable dress rules, that is: wear well, try not to let your clothes or shape distract the attention of the recruiters.

1. Wear neutral or dark clothes - for interviews, especially to professional service companies interview, be sure to choose the length of the knee skirt or trousers. Carefully recall the professional service-oriented talent is not all wear this look like? Imitate them right!

2. Wear a plain shirt - wear a comfortable neutral shirt is relatively safe.


3. Wear shoes - where you can choose high heels can also choose flat shoes, but to remember two things: First, decent shoes will not be too exaggerated, or will distract the attention of the recruitment side, so hate days High ah, rivets shoes ah, bling-bling shiny shoes ah do not wear; Second, the shoes are comfortable to wear to look naturally decent, if your shoes to your foot pain was not ok, Then you have to consider again and again, after all, the recruiters do not want to see you slammed back painfully toward them limping.

4. Reduce the minimum jewelery - for example, with only a pair of earrings and a ring. The same reason, to avoid too much jewelry because these things will distract the attention of the recruiters.

5. Make your makeup simple - make your makeup look not strong and simple. To avoid the colorful eye shadow and bright nails, light and refreshing makeup is the most in the dark extra points.

6. neat hair - let your hair neat, do not cover the face, non-mainstream eye-catching big bangs are thousands do not stay. Also, do not fiddle with your hair in the interview.

Whether for boys or girls, you give the first impression should be: you are a trusted, intelligent, professional graduates.

Of course, a clean and tidy and modified appearance, will help you create such a first impression.

- expert how to say -

"When you consider what to choose clothes, how to make-up, pick which fragrance or cologne perfume, you have to test is how to show you is carefully modified appearance, you If you look very disgusting, we think you may not be able to work at Deloitte, and we hope that you will instill self-confidence into our customers, after all, for each of our staff, These beliefs are important. "- Brandon Wynne, chief recruitment specialist for Deloitte Financial Services.

Remember, just like you already have the job to dress!