Job Hunting: How Does the Interview Process Work In The UK?

icon-time 04 April 2017
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"Don't judge the book by its cover", this saying might not necessarily always true in every circumstance. But when it comes to job interviews, it is always a good idea to give a good impression to your future employers. In today GoUni's blog 😉, we are sharing tips and tricks on how the interview process works in the UK. What to wear?, what to do? Want to know more? Click on the articles and read :) 😇


Of course, for those of you who are not very experienced with job interviewing, you might find yourself struggling with nerves, and excitement. Don't worry, we are here to help you :) 💪🏼

Job Interview in the UK

According to the BBC, the research from online recruiter site called suggested that getting through that job interview is getting tougher.

Over half of employers admitted taking an instant dislike to the person they were interviewing.giphy.gif

Getting started

First things first, you need to know what to prepare for.

Aside from giving you an insight into the role and organisation, good interview preparation will also give you some all-important confidence. Let’s face it, no-one likes surprises.

But what specific preparation should you carry out? Here are a few key things to cover:

  • Research the company  - it is good to know what the company does, when was it founded etc.
  • Look up your role - read thoroughly through the job descriptions of what you will be expected to do if you get the role, and try to link it with your previous experiences
  • Find the address - look up the company address a day before job interview. You don't want to be late, do you?
  • Pick an outfit
  • Think of some potential questions your interviewer may ask
  • After the interview, the interviewer will always ask you whether you have any questions to ask them. So prepare some potential questions you could ask at the end of the interview is important!


Questions you are most likely to be asked during the interview

  • Tell me about yourself…
  • What are your weaknesses…?
  • Why should you get this job?
  •  What are your salary expectations?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?


What do they look for in a candidate?

According to the information published by University of Kent,

Factors influencing whether an interviewee is viewed as employable were:

  • A candidate’s timekeeping (96% of managers agree this is influential)blink.gif (2535 bytes)
  • Level of a candidate’s interview preparation (93%)
  • Ability to hold eye contact (82%)
  • Personal appearance (73%) (two thirds of employers said they were put off by tattoos)
  • Quality of banter or small talk (60%)
  • Strength of handshake (55%)

Interview Dress Code

For men and women, job interview's attires are different. The level of formality depends on different organisations you applied for, and what kind of industry it is. But just to be safe, these are the outfit that works for almost every interview.

For men:

A crisp white button-down shirt; chinos; brogues or boots; and a textured blazer in case the A/C is on high or you feel too casual. Wear your smartest coat on top.

Why this works: By sticking to simple basics, you’ll ensure your interviewer focuses on you, not your clothes. This outfit is classic and mature, and shows more personality than a suit.


For women:

A blouse in a block colour or a crisp white shirt; dark skinny jeans or cigarette pants; brogues or loafers; and your contingency layer of choice, like a well-tailored blazer in a boyfriend style or with a nipped-in waist (and in a different colour to your trousers).

For the shirt, choose whatever fabric makes you most comfortable. Crisp white cotton is timeless, and silk or chiffon can be more flattering if you’re curvier.

Why this works: It’s simple, refined, and not distracting. Combining separates shows some personality, but the tailored jacket looks professional.


Remember, for anyone who is keen to work in the UK after graduation ⭐️, GoUni has a career service that can help you land a job of your dreams, or at least getting into the interview round. At least, you will have any experience interviewing in the UK and the international environment. If you are interested, contact us now :) 📞 💗
