✨ Britain introduces “Fake News” to Educational ✨

icon-time 13 August 2019
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“Lemonade Soda Cures Cancer”

One of the most popular beliefs that has been widely spoken in the social world which had led to many debates until the experts had to come out to draw awareness that “There hasn’t been any research stating that drinking lemonade soda will help in curing cancer”. Until now the origin of this belief is still an unsolved mystery.

Other than the picture of your crush with their lover, another thing that irritates you just as much on social media would probably be 

“Fake News”

Even if it’s just a sentence or a short phrase, but forwarding and abusing the media is a long-term problem that creates chaos for the society,

urging ‘Damian Hinds’, the British Secretary of State for Education to announce that teachers in the UK must now teach the students about the dangers of fake news and how to stop publishing them online.


“Social Media Smart 101” 

Students in the UK must learn about Fake News on the internet through news content analysis. Starting from the headline, does it trick you to become curious and click on it by using interesting words or pictures in the headlines?

In which there wasn’t really anything to the news at all. This was made to stimulate the views, it’s called “Clickbait”. Furthermore, analysing Propagandas, Satire/Parody content to attract audience, Sloppy Journalismwhich is not based on reliable sources. Or those who creates Misleading Headlines to attract attention and for people to share on. Including Biased news/Slantednews that leads you to support the ideas and beliefs through the biases of the author who wrote an unneutral content. All of this is to create self-immunity and finding a way to stop these publishing.

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“Know how to avoid Conflicts, know how to dodge Fake News”

The British government is confident that this new course will help children to determine whether or not the information they’re reading is incorrect or if it’s just a catch phrase that should not be trusted. The ministry of education believes that the trust of institutions or companies can be easily torn down just with false information. Therefore, raising awareness that “self-checking the information” is the important mechanism in detecting the error; a reliable source is most important. The Minister stated that it’s not just technological companies only but the new generation must be intelligently aware. 

The programme will be in use next year. In addition to Fake News, there are also contents of using the internet safely and how to deal with conflicts up to the subject of mental health will also be added to compulsory courses.


Do you want to just pack your bags and go study these interesting courses in the UK? Contact our GoUni team for a consultation through
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GoUni encourages everyone to be judgmental in consuming social media contents.